Voided Work Patterns: Spot Motifs

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2 Lions -- in the original there are 4 separate spot motifs each with 1 lion. They are shown both facing right and left, voided and not voided.
Gli Universali dsi belli recami. Niccolo Zoppino1537 [Flowers]
see also Bassee plate 95, Nourry - S'enfusvent Les Patrons de Miffire Antoine Belin

(see also the Bird Band)

2 bird facing and vase -- in the original there are 4 versions of this. All are off register to some degree. They are shown both voided and not voided.
Gli Universali dsi belli recami. Niccolo Zoppino1537 [Flowers]
see also Bassee plate 95, Nourry - S'enfusvent Les Patrons de Miffire Antoine Belin

Flyr d' Lys - this appears to be a popular motif for both voided and not voided, as a singlc motif and as a band motif.
Essemplario di lavori. Niccolo Zoppino 1530 [Flowers]
See also Gli Universali dsi belli recami. Niccolo Zoppino1537 [Flowers], Bassee plate 95, Nourry - S'enfusvent Les Patrons de Miffire Antoine Belin, Quentel plate 82


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